About Me

Author. Teacher. Publisher. Reader. Gardener.

These are some of my many interests/jobs. At the time of writing, we are halfway through the summer holiday and preparing for a book launch, so I'm being a publisher!

When we go away to Cumbria in two short weeks, the beautiful surroundings will tempt me to become an author again.

Next July, I am publishing the first book in my series "Feather Down". The book is called "Taking Wing" and there will be loads of posts about it between now and then.

In term time, I teach eager little tots how to read and write - and some of the not-so-eager ones. Something I'm looking forward to this year is our topic on medieval castles - how awesome!

I read and review books for Crowvus Book Blog. I love reading, in particular middle grade and young adult novels and I'm always on the lookout for more class novels.

And, finally, I'm the chairperson for the Wick Allotment Association, ensuring that there are enough green spaces in the town for people to enjoy.


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