Ace Allotmeting
I love my allotment. Sure, it's got a fair few weeds in but I've been keeping most of the veggie beds weed-free.
I was reminded of how much I loved the allotment yesterday when I went, and everything is bursting with life!
This is a flower patch I grew. I had about 50 packets of seeds (a joblot) that were all really out-of-date. I decided the best thing to do would be to mix them all up together so I got an old mayonnaise jar and tipped them all in. The result...magic!
Then it was onto clearing the weeds from around the flowers. The Homebase in Wick is closing in a couple of weeks so these were bought at the Closing Down sale. After a couple of days, they seemed to die off but have perked up recently. More magic!
The pumpkins were other plants that, when I planted out, shrivelled into a brown mess and seemed to die. They are tough cookies, though, and came back. I don't think they'll be strong enough to have fruit but I feel happy knowing that they'll have had a good life! Allotmenting is only half about the produce you get.
Behind the pumpkin are rows of carrots that I planted so I get a later crop, and next to them is a very well camouflage kale plant which is going strong!
I don't actually like radishes, but my sister adores them so I like to grow this quick-maturing veg. I can't remember the variety but I get most of my seeds from Chilterns. Behind the radishes are lots and lots of beetroot.
Keeping on the salad theme, I've never had much luck with lettuce until this year. Don't they look succulent?
What can I say? I love beetroot!
Carrots are one of my favourite vegetables. Here they are in front of one of my favourite flowers: cornflowers.
Another of my favourite veg are peas! I think we may get a bumper crop this year...
and there are few things more beautiful than the pea flower!
And there is always new life in the allotment!
What better way to treat yourself than a freshly picked strawberry - perfectly ripe!
So this is what I'm doing when I'm not teaching, or writing, or reading and reviewing. I love my allotment - it's my place. My little haven.
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